This was one of the more interesting videos that I have watched in a class. The whole story behind it was awesome. It is amazing how certain technology and things like that start. “Very important advances came from hackers.” The reason that hackers became so important was because they didn’t what their computers did, they just wanted to have fun and play around with it. That is the most important part of learning I believe, if you can have fun and just want to play around with it, there are countless things that you can learn. “Hackers have a different way of viewing things than most people. They are able to make connections that other people can’t.” It was amazing how long Mitnick was able to evade the law. Hackers just wanted to know all that they could. Elders don’t want the young people to know what they know because they don’t want them to become too powerful.
Monthly Archives: January 2012
Response to Occupy Movement
First of all, I have never been very interested in politics. It is important, though, that I know what is going on with this movement. This article was the first time I actually found out how the whole Occupy Movement started. I found it interesting that it was fueled by a challenge from a magazine. The magazine told them to “bring a tent.” A few thousand people showed up and camped at Zuccotti Park, which started the global movement. This movement isn’t like other movements; there is no set demand and leadership is broadly shared. What they want is a world that works for the 99%. They want the system to be fixed so that the rich don’t keep getting richer while there are people struggling day in and day out.
What is New Media? Vin Crosbie
What is New Media?
It seems to me that Vin Crosbie is a little angry about the way that people have been using the terms “media” and “medium.” He states clearly a couple of times that Internet, radio, TV, magazines, telephones, etc., are not media. They “are vehicles for conveying information within a medium or media.” This quote helped me a little more to understand what he meant. Also, the way that he explained it in terms of transportation really helped with his concept. It is important that we, as new media students, understand what he is trying to tell us before we can further our studies.
1-What are the three transportation media? What is the difference between a transport medium and a transport vehicle?
The three transportation media are land, water, and air. A transport vehicle would be something that we use to utilize the transport medium. So, water would be the transport medium while a boat would be the transport vehicle. There are many different vehicles, but only 3 transportation media.
2-What are the three communication media? Give examples of communication media vs communication vehicles. Email uses which communication medium?
The three communication media are the Interpersonal Medium, the Mass Medium, and the New Medium. An email would be a form of Interpersonal Media.
3-What are the advantages/disadvantages of interpersonal communication? of broadcast communication?
The advantages of interpersonal communication are that each participant has an equal control over the content that is conveyed. Also, That content can be individualized based on the needs and interest of each participant. The disadvantage is that if there are more people, there is less control among each participant. The advantages of broadcast communication is that the same content goes to all of the participants. Only one person has control over the content that is conveyed. The disadvantage is that the content can’t be customized to individual participants.
4-What are the characteristics of the New Medium? Is a many-to-many communication possible without the new technology of laptop, iphone and internet?
The characteristics of the New Medium are individualized information can be delivered to any amount of people. This information can be individualized based on the participant. The participant, publisher, broadcaster, etc., all have control over what information is conveyed. This New Medium isn’t a natural communication system for humans. Without technology, I don’t believe that it is possible to get a many-to-many form of communication out there.
Response to Eli Pariser
The World Needs You to See it With Fresh Eyes
This was a pretty refreshing read. I enjoyed hearing that anyone is possible of changing the world and making a difference. He told his story of how he made a difference, and also the story of Marla Ruzicka, which was also a great one. I thought it was important that he emphasized that you didn’t have to be a martyr like Marla, but you just have to stand up for something. Like Eli said, when the car is headed for a cliff and the driver’s seat is empty, who is going to take the wheel? In the big picture, we each possess the power to change everything. Everyone is fallible. Everyone is imperfect. Anyone can make a difference.