Loose Krew

This is a brand that Nick Lee and I hope to launch. Right now, we are in the process of creating designs. The designs that we have so far are T-shirts and tanktops, but we hope to expand to possibly sweatshirts, snapbacks, etc. We will have to start with Nick and I wearing the brand, and also some friends, just to promote it; And when more and more people start wanting the shirts, we will have them posted online for a price.

We don’t have our website up and running yet, but we hope to have it working soon. We also have a Facebook page running so that we can get as much exposure as possible. We will be posting our designs there as well as on our website. That way, people can give feedback on which designs are their favorites.

The goal of Loose Krew is to get people active and to get people heard. We want people to be interested in being outside and being active. We also want those kids that don’t get heard to be able to express themselves. These shirts will be a way of saying, “This is me, so deal with it.” Skateboarding and snowboarding are both extreme sports and we hope that this brand will appeal to those people who participate in them, but will also get people more interested in those sports.

Some challenges that we are going to face will definitely deal with audience. Getting our products produced and out into the world is going to take time and effort. It is going to take a lot of work to get a decent sized fan base. The main way to achieve that goal is to make products that mean something to those people, and that is our plan. We want to produce clothing that people will WANT to wear and be proud to wear it. It doesn’t matter if you have some “loose screws”, it’s who you are and it’ll stay that way!

Adobe Illustrator is our main source for designing our products.

Our original question was, “Who will this appeal to?” We wondered what type of audience would be intrigued by our products. We want Loose Krew to appeal to people who want to be heard, people who want to be noticed.

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